I have been observing the increased demand for white pianos for several years, which is understandable, because white furniture looks really aesthetic and elegant. If you are thinking about buying a white piano – you might want to know what questions to ask before making a purchase, what the process of renovation looks like and what effect does it have on the value of a white grand piano.

The process of repainting the piano is relatively easy and straightforward. First, the old piano coating should be thoroughly sanded, leveling the defects. Then a layer of primer, paint and colorless varnish are applied to increase the durability of the varnished surface.
Don’t forget, that it is also crucial to renovate the inside of the piano. What’s the point of having a piano that only looks beautiful but plays poorly?
White grand piano- What you need to know
What you also need to know when choosing a white piano is that most white used pianos are re-lacquered. Only fairly young used pianos (up to about 30 years old) can be found in the original white finish. In the 1960s and 1970s most pianos produced in the European market were in shades of walnut and mahogany. Therefore, many sellers, decided to paint their instruments in white to make their products more attractive and cover the unfashionable, often faded colors.
It’s obvious that re-painting the piano casing does not affect its sound, so I see nothing wrong with that. However, a piano seller shouldn’t hide the fact that the piano has been varnished from the customer – unfortunately, that is something I have experienced myself. Personally, I would buy a varnished white piano only from a reliable, trusted seller.

Most often, the piano sellers suggest instruments in the matt finish, because the cost of renewing them is lower. A good sprayer will renew such a piano even in unfavorable conditions, i.e. in dusty rooms with no professional cabin. Polyester and professional piano varnish are based on resin – this method of varnishing the instruments is longer, time-consuming and definitely more expensive.
Before buying a White Piano ask:
- What was the condition of the piano before varnishing? How was it stored?
- What kind of paint, varnish was used? How many layers? What technology: acrylic, polyurethane, polyester?
- Is the casing coating evenly covered, without streaks? Is the varnish sticking to the surface of the instrument?
- Is the piano surface dusty? Is the varnish even, pleasant to touch?
I was just wondering, is there a certain shade of white that is used for pianos?
Paul thanks for this very interesting question. I’ve never thought about it and find it hard to answer. I think we will look for the answer to this question from our Fb friends
The admirable thing about the article about spraying white paint in the link you showed is that it talks about the convenience of white paint. Let me be clear that the gentleman is talking about acrylic paint….
Factories do not spray with acrylic paint, but polyester.
Polyester is also available in all kinds of colors, including white, but it is relatively more difficult to process than black polyester. There is a big difference between acrylic and polyester, especially when we talk about discoloration over the years.